Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lab 8 (Part II) Google SketchUP

Here it is...a web browser based application that lets you zoom to anywhere inthe world...add placemarks, routes, upload images, search for places you may need to go or want to visit and you can see it all in 2D or 3D in a globe.....

oh wait....hasn't Google already done that???

Now my bubble is burst...ha-ha! Seriously, I downloaded the sphere from the SketchUP download stuff there...and played around with simple shapes, shadows and 3d text. I figure I kicked butt on the placemarks and GoogleEarth Part I, so I am hoping to get some creativitty points here!
I really am impressed with how easy to use GoogleEarth and SketchUP are!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lab 8 Placemarks

The link to my kmz file for Lab 8 can be found below.....

If it doesn't automatically it to your desktop as a KMZ file.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Lab6 Motion and Tweening

Here is my Operation Barbarossa (German Invasion of Russia in 1941)

It ain't pretty....but it to Lab 7. I can't WAIT to start Google Earth and SketchUP :-)

Please follow the link below....ignore the funky blue background, not sure how to get rid of that and time is wasting away....JPG above for a quick view.

Friday, March 7, 2008

weekly blog post ---- morphing map

Here is another historical map of WWII, this one is from the US Holocaust Museum. They also have a lot of animated maps of the holocaust...solemn subject to see mapped out.

The WWII map shows the changing areas of control during the the polygons have to be "tweening" since this is a Flash animation.